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Working Mothers

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Karen Bespalov
Karen Bespalov

ARSENAL Extended Power

the generation of electricity depends on the worldwide energy market. in january 2008, the european parliament approved the 2009 annual energy policy statement, which set the eu's long term energy and climate policy for the next decade. it includes the following main objectives:ratification of the new licence would have meant that tvo could operate the units until 2047-48. the firms involved might also have been interested in the possibility of extending the lifetime of the units, but in an article in nuclear power international tvo's general manager of nuclear affairs tommi peltomaki told of two stumbling blocks to extending the lifetime of olkiluoto units: one was commercial logic, the other was the fact that the units would need a large uprate to make them useful for their owner.the approved licence period would cover 18-25 years, during which time the on-site storage ponds would fill with waste and the operation of olkiluoto 2 would be suspended. then, according to the article, tvo could sell its ownership of the plant to another company, which would need to spend several billion purchasing all the infrastructure, buildings, equipment and installation at the site, plus developing its own spent-fuel reprocessing plant. it would then need to seek an operating licence for the plant, and may or may not have to pay a notional premium for the waste it would have produced during the previous 18-25 years, depending on the value of the on-site storage ponds as property at the time of sale.peltomaki described the operation of the plant at times when its reactor was off-line. these days the system is in a low-power state ready for plant start-up if tvo should decide to restart olkiluoto 2 in the future. this reduced power state is programmed into the reactor's computers, and the plant's computers are programmed to recognize it and keep on performing their maintenance tasks. once restarted, olkiluoto 2 generates heat and steam from the water in its intake, heats up the water in its storagerooms, continues to perform its off-site functions, then cools the water down in its cask-storage system before using it again. 6a6f617c0c

ARSENAL Extended Power


So when you download the demo from official source(or from my local copy if you want to), and extract it, you get two files:a very light "arsen2go.exe" executable, and a "arsenal2.adf" (Arsenal Data File I guess).

But weirdly, ollydbg shown nothing during game execution... Why?Well, it's easy to find: kill the game using the task manager, and look and the game's folder:you'll see that another executable named "arsenal2_game.exe" appeared!

So, this means that this arsen2go.exe executable contains only the welcome screen,and it generates the game's executable arsenal2_game.exe on the fly. If you quit the game normally,without killing the process, then you won't notice this "temporary" exe, which seems to be deletedonce the game is closed...And when you run the arsen2go.exe file again, the generated exe disappear!

I added a breakpoint at this offset (press F2), created a fake (empty) file named "arsenal2_game.exe"in the game's folder, and run the arsen2go.exe program again to check if these op codes actually deletesthe fake exe file.

As you can see, this exe is not the only one that seems to be deleted: an "arsenal2_launch.exe"and an "arsenal2_restore.exe" seems to also be wipped out. I guess the restore one is used when youcall the helpdesk or so, but the launcher? Well, let's assume it's created and deleted right away!To confirm that, I opened the exe using CR-Hexact, which is a neat hex editing software that locks thefiles it opens. By locking them, I expected to make the windows-API file deletion fails.

I then run the arsen2go.exe file, hit "Play demo" button, and... poof, back to windows,but this time, with 2 executables: arsenal2_game.exe and arsenal2_launcher.exe, alongwith a "trace.trc" file that seems to be a debugging log file

Okay, so, what do we have so far?arsen2go.exe removes arsenal2_launch.exe and arsenal2_game.exe if present,then when hitting "play demo" button, it generates (if you dig into ollydbg code, you'll see it's actuallyextracted from the adf file) the arsenal2_launch.exe and runs it.arsenal2_launch.exe checks that it was run by arsen2go.exe (and not directly by the user, if so,it stops and runs arsen2go.exe instead which will remove the other exes),deletes itself, reextract arsen2go.exe from the adf and overwrites it,and then generates and runs the arsenal2_game.exeLast, this arsenal2_game.exe checks it was not directly run by user (if so, it runs arsen2go.exe),and if so, lets you play the game.

Once the game is running (after all the messy exes thing that we actually don't care about),let's go back to Cheat Engine (alt+tab) and open the arsenal game process (because I don't care about thewelcome screen and such, I only care about the running game process)

For that, let's look for a 32bits integer exact value of 20000, only in the arsenal2_game.exe memory(this exe loads some DLLs, including "Crypto32.dll" from Windows which seems to confirm that the ADF fileis encrypted with a secret key and decrypted on the fly)

Last thing to check was if the timer remains at the same place on every game's boot.So, I shut down the game, shut down the computer, even unplugged the power, and rebooted everything up.I then started the game, started cheat engine, opened the game process again,and looked at the 0x4ce3b8 address: the timer was still here! I froze it (to about 50000)and was able to play for more than an hour and finish another game session.Time limit was cracked!

I made it simple: 1st call is supposed to hide Cheat Enginewindows (but this doesn't work, it's displayed anyway so, nevermind it!).Then, I wait 27 seconds, which is enough to start the welcome screen,hit "play" button, and get into the game.Then, I bind the Cheat Engine process to the "arsenal2_game.exe" process, which is the game's processname.Then, I get the addresses (which are luckily all static addresses!) for each of the 4 values to tamper(the description is an arbitrary text I wrote in the addresses table description for each address)Last, I set the values to arbitrary things (1.6G for timestamps, and 2G for points limit)and freeze the values so they won't change during game (the most important one being the "time left"value but freezing them all is fine too).

Users have every imaginable, unimaginable, possible, impossible, existent, non-existent, known, unknown, thinkable, unthinkable, created, uncreated, discovered, undiscovered, fictional, nonfictional, perceived, unperceived, etc. power/ability ever, regardless of any flaws or limitations, the user harbors them all. This enables them to expand on/affect anything from the simplest physical phenomena to concept and finally, the Omniverse and beyond. For example, the user can possess everything from Enhanced Strength and Flight to powerful abilities that go well beyond standard abilities.

The very nature of this power is similar to Desired Ability Manifestation, except that all possible and impossible abilities are already existed thus making the user freely manifest any power in its arsenal without losing the selected power once they no longer have no use for it, allowing them to do whatever they want due to having these many abilities.

While profoundly powerful, it exists a divide between the instances or users of this ability. This ability has the quirk to rely a lot on the users' capabilities or origins to determine where they stand on the reach of the power; it can be divided between two types: Nigh-Omnipotent Users and Truly Omnipotent Users. Nigh-Omnipotent users consist of the majority of users and are those portrayed by fictional works, having the ability to have all powers/abilities yet able to be defeated and sometimes felled by more formidable foes; These are the more grounded and common cases of this ability and how it is portrayed, chained the selected powers' natural limitations mainly due to plot restrictions. Furthermore, Nigh-Omnipotent users might not possess or haven't displayed the capacity to wield omnipotent-scale powers/abilities. Truly Omnipotent Users, however, possess all powers/abilities with absolutely no limitation either because they're Omnipotent to begin with or are free and unattached to all boundaries, as is the case with In-Universe Supreme Beings. They exemplify the power's true potential.

  • Ace Pilot: What your most experienced fighters can become.

  • America Takes Over the World: If you play as the Schyzo faction.

  • Construct Additional Pylons: Housing for citizens, which can be taken by advancing enemy troops.

  • Cosmetically Different Sides: Mostly so, excepting for the unique units.

  • Damage Is Fire: Sufficiently attacked buildings will start to burn and suffer burning damage. And there are firebomb planes tha just set them on fire with one sortie.

  • David vs. Goliath: Building a Superweapon or a group of supertanks and heavy artillery can be defeated by an adversary who manages to cleverly use combined arms, air support and supply lines disruption.

  • Death from Above: One of the possible ways of leveling the enemy camp...

  • Defenseless Transports: Barges (and petrol ships) have no weaponry of their own.

  • Disproportionate Retribution: An adversary starting to build in your turf, allowing you to declare war? Do it and punish him with a rain of Toxic Missles over his housing and factories.

  • Easy Logistics: Shells are unlimited, but failing to transport enough fuel to your troops will often result in your most powerful units becoming sitting ducks right over enemy lines.

  • Geo Effects: Rubble may block any other unit than the bulldozer from passing.

  • Glass Cannon: The Rocket Launcher, and also the ramps for the Buzz Bomb.

  • Nuke 'em:The Americans(Parano) can build an Atomic Bomber and the due Atomic Bomb.

  • Permanently Missable Content: Ore rigs and oil stations are not rebuildable. The resources they have are lost forever in this case.

  • Rock Beats Laser: Not so much. Yes, tanks beats artillery, fighters beats bombers, submarines beats carriers and destroyers beats submarines, but not always.

  • Russia Takes Over the World: If you play as the Parano faction.

  • Schizo Tech: More or less. Its possible, albeit impractical , to have a full army of 1930s 1.5 inch gun tankettes defending your home base while having an air force of jet fighters and a navy of submarine-immune hovercrafts barges to transport support troops to allies which are invading your enemies with real tanks.

  • Shown Their Work: Spite of lacking any type of infantry, the game portrays somewhat realistically mechanized combat in the Second War.

  • Take Over the World: There are multiplayer maps in the form of the world.

  • Technology Levels: Averted. There is, in fact, a intertwined techology three related to the three main military branches.

  • Video Game Caring Potential: Your units have names and ranks. You will feel sorry for sending Private Pavlov and his Sherman team against a enemy beachhead protected by four rocket emplacements. Also, you lose points by having units and citizens die, and by commiting acts of cruelty or war crimes.

  • Video Game Cruelty Potential: Even if a player has amassed a lot of resources, if his citizens get annexed by the enemies, his production of new units will slow or even stop completely. As annexing an enemy housing unit would involve cleaning all his active units near it, and keeping yours alive, it often can be more game-wisey to just blow up all people and then build your own housing afterwards. Which, if the tide turn or a former ally become a enemy, can happen to your own people as well... And there is the possibility of self-destructing buildings to avoid them being taken... which also eats points from the perpetrator.

  • Video Game Cruelty Punishment: The points system punishes for war crimes and acts of agression done in game, and also for the death toll of your units. Is possibly to win the game and have a negative score for having thrown an atomic bomb right in the middle of a enemy housing concentration full of co-belligerent units of another faction that never werent at war with you. And then, after obliterating your common enemy and their best troops, do a surprise attack on them without declaring war and firebombing their HQ and most of their housing just for sure.

  • Video Game Flamethrowers Suck: Averted. There is not flamethrower per se, but firebombing the enemy housing and resource buildings can be a efficient way to divert attention and resources.

  • Was It Really Worth It?: Any player who wins by the most cruel and insidious ways possible.

  • We Have Reserves: Its possible to defeat an attack by super-artillery and super-tanks by just queuing a factory with medium tanks to their path, specially if you have static defenses and some air support.

  • Worker Unit: The bulldozer, which also destroys rubble and takes enemy H Qs. And the Fire Truck, which besides from putting off fires, also repair your and friendly buidings.

  • Zerg Rush: Its possible to use medium tanks to zerg bigger ones. Or flak trucks to do the same, with a little less sucess, against air invasions.



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